

tonight i took the #1 bus back to harvard square from MIT. i ran into felicia on the bus - she was getting back from a hard day of shopping. she was wearing a black cocktail dress. while chatting with her about stuff i glanced at the guy sitting next to her. he was reading a book and i saw that it was updike's the coup. i got so excited - i told the guy "that is my favorite book of all time. I LOVE IT!!! god it's so good." he was a slightly hipsterish guy with blue-gray eyes, pale skin, and a dark buzz cut. he bought his copy for $3.50 in a brookline used book store. we had a twenty-minute conversation regarding the awesomeness of the book, updike in general, resonance, third-world dictators, what defines the american experience, and how hot felicia is (she appreciated it). he put me onto another writer with brilliant prose: italian umberto eco, author of the name of the rose and foucalt's pendulum. will be checking those out.


ming said...

wrote my sr paper on updike- hes one of my favorites

andrew paik said...

i'll reiterate my last comment: hornball. chill out, and let the fly ladies come to you.