my first trip into soho since a long time. passed by la esquina, shady shady place - they have an outdoor service area. imagine a roadside dairy queen in northern jersey with prison-meeting-type booths. still, probably a pleasant outdoor experience. the restaurant itself is small and unassuming, but the real draw is the vaunted underground bar/cafe where ny's most hipsterish convene like cess to a drain. walked up lafayette from canal to prince. the streets are sunny and pleasant by day but unbearably dark by night. the blocks became more and more "sohoish" - you know, dark brown shopfront facades, cobblestone streets, fire escapes, etc. passed by savoy, one of ny's most fantastic restaurants on one of its smelliest corners. honestly, that corner reeks. i came onto broadway by the scholastic and began thinking of roxy. soho broadway, for all my non-ny readers out there, is gorgeously chic and full of life, with cabs whizzing one-way past huge tapestries and two-story store windows covering mannequins and gigantic faces. wondered if roxy still lived on spring. wondered if she was employed. wondered if she was single. went into the apple store - they had a deafeningly loud DJ in there who happened to be completely AWESOME!!!!! i chatted with her, her name was E Frank (really Ellen Frances).
beats sicker than mark foley. saw a devastatingly gorgeous tall modelesque hispanic woman who laughed when i reacted to a song change by lifting my head and shaking my ass. i scanned her hand for a ring (none) and got her name (angelica).
after apple i took the train up to columbia to start the night.
i will miss these nights the most when i am having them in asia next year.