
the end of summer

"pop music's hard work!"
- ralph wiggum

i'm in the real world. it's awesome. i don't feel like a different person but i've been transplanted into a setting of adulthood and i can feel it working a change in my outlook. i really enjoy my job and i foresee good things in the near- to mid-future. i can't stress how good it is to have capable and supportive people around me in all arenas. i have the weekends for relaxing and partying, so i haven't entirely left college experiences yet. but i am focusing myself intensively on a few main pursuits. they are my meditation.

journalist: so you really enjoy your hobbies.
me: yes. there is no greater joy in life than the development, practice, and perfection of a pursuit.
journalist: who said that?
me: guess.
journalist: i don't know. thoreau?
me: close. i said it.

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